Taking A Swing At Hunger
On August 27th, Feed Lake Highlands is hosting the fourth annual Topgolf Tournament. You may have seen our Facebook posts or a blurb in the newsletter, or the promotional posters around the church all prominently displaying our call to action: “Take a swing at hunger in Lake Highlands.” As you read the poster, the saying may have caused you to laugh or admire how fitting the saying is for a golf tournament. And it may have started that way, but as I think about that call to action for this year’s tournament, I think about the ways the ministries of Feed Lake Highlands continue to “take a swing.”
Feed Lake Highlands was born out of an after school program that met at The New Room. Nine years ago, the after school program participants attended Kids Across America Camp for the first time, and have returned every year since. Then came Food Distribution, a supplemental grocery ministry that dreamed of serving 40 families every first and third Wednesday.
As I get to know this ministry more, I keep thinking about the trust and blind faith that has been so present for the past six years as a 501(c)(3) non-profit and before that, when the camping and after school programs were a part of Outreach Ministry.
I think about the verse, Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” And I can tell you, even in my short time in ministry there are many moments of discouragement or fear. However, through my time at Feed Lake Highlands, helping program members shop for supplemental groceries or bowling with Homework Club students, God has been with this ministry wherever we have gone.
God has been present in the fundraising and the coordination of camp transportation, but He has also been present in the team members’ passion for this ministry and the families we serve. It has been one of the biggest blessings of my life to see how God is truly in every aspect of this ministry, the highest victories and the most cautious prayers.
God’s faithfulness has been the catalyst for the big swings of courage within this ministry. As we grow, serving almost 200 families at Food Distribution this month and taking 78 students to camp this summer, we know God is with us.
God takes a promotional slogan and places it on our hearts as a mission. So, “taking a swing at hunger in Lake Highlands,” may have started out as marketing, but now, every time I use it, I think about God’s faithfulness - His ability to equip us for the powerful swings, even if we do not know where we may land.
God is doing incredible things, and we want to share that with you. If you are a team member, program member, prayer warrior or donor – thank you. We could not do our ministry without you. And if you are not involved in this ministry yet, please prayerfully consider seeing what God can do through you.
And in two weeks, as I watch everyone swinging clubs, causing golf balls to fly through the air, I know I will pause and praise God for the ability to take big swings. I will remind myself how special it is that God has so much more in store than Feed Lake Highlands could ever imagine. I hope you will join me in that.