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Refreshing and Renewing Community

This may not surprise anyone, but I was what some might call a “youth group baby.” As soon as I found a youth group during middle school, I did everything possible to be at every event and be down at my church as much as possible. I would come over after school and do my homework as I waited for Bible study. I would stay at the church for an average of 10 hours on Sundays just to participate in each youth program available to me.

The church was my home away from home. It was my safe space and my community, so I served and spent time there without thinking about it.

And throughout the different seasons of my life, working or serving in a church has been my constant. My home to come back to, and my safe space.

Each day while I’m supposed to be pouring out in ministry with the youth or Feed Lake Highlands, I truly feel a sense of renewal as I get the opportunity to be in this environment and to be refreshed by an excited new volunteer or joyful youth. I know that will always be the case as I continue to grow and learn with the church.

I think about the older adults that I have gotten to know within our church over the past few years, and I can only imagine their faithfulness and dedication comes from that same feeling I’m describing. They have been around the church long enough to know it is a place to be surrounded by community that evokes a refreshment and renewal. They pour in and in-turn are filled up and continue to stay faithful.

And last year, OASIS ministry was developed to continue their journey within the church. Aimed at those who have been faithful and have loved this church so well, now this ministry is able to pour back into them and let them know they are loved and still such an integral part of the life of our church. This ministry provides a new refreshment and renewal as those involved are still on a journey to learn more about their faith and live it out. Pastor Scott Somers is connecting with members of this ministry by serving communion at Churchill Estates and Brookdale Alzheimer’s and Dementia Center and planning multiple trips and learning opportunities to the Methodist Children’s Home in Waco, Dallas Heritage Village and the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth.

I know I am truly blessed for the times I have been able to pour into the church and have my community learn and grow with me. It is such a picture of God’s steadfast love to know that church community can be present in every season of life, whenever refreshment and renewal is needed.

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