This old chair can tell a lot of stories. It can tell you about the conversations had around fellowship dinners. It can tell you about all the laughs and cheers during ACT performances. It can tell you about the tears that were shed during small groups. It can tell you about merit badges earned through BSA Scout Troop 890. But, this chair is getting a little worn out.
It is time for a new set of chairs to tell new stories of what God is doing at Lake Highlands UMC. So, we ask you to prayerfully consider giving to the Chair Campaign.
Each chair will only cost around $38.00 But, we are asking you to consider giving $100 per chair or more if you feel so led.
The additional money will not only purchase more chairs, but will help us with some of the cost of updating the Fellowship Hall where so many more stories will be told, tears will be shed, and laughs will reverberate.
If you have any questions please contact Pastor Andy Roberts at andyr@lhumc.com
Thanks in advance for your generosity.
Sitting with you,
Pastor Andy Roberts
Senior Pastor, Lake Highlands United Methodist Church
To give to the Chair Campaign please fill in the form below